Quit verbal consolation

Many at times we come across people who have made it in life as per what we see. Our reaction when this happens is always either jealousy or we become green with envy. The main question however remains, do we really know what this people did to actually get where we see them?

During my internship at the Ministry of ICT, Eldoret branch I got the opportunity to hit the road and actually taste the waters. My conclusion is, THE HUSTLE IS REAL!!!

I got the chance to meet both goal oriented individuals and those who live in the moment. If am allowed to come to any conclusions then I can boldly say that the two category of people are totally different. One spends without thinking about the following day. You only live once!!(YOLO) or Tomorrow will take care of itself.

It came to my realization that the rich people we see around made the choice to be rich while young! They sacrificed the little pleasures of life to have a better future.

The rich also had a chance to interact with the few careless people who don’t care about there tomorrow. That’s why they easily brush off beggars and those who go to them for little favors. They learnt from experience.

Therefore, as you sit there saying, “what goes up must come down” think twice. Some alresdy stabilized their down hence they only head up. Quit verbal consolation and work hard for now….#foodforthought.


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